About The Living Lab

About The Living Lab2024-03-01T15:24:39-08:00

The BC Agricultural Climate Solutions: Living Lab (LL-BC or Living Lab) is a producer-centric research and development project focused on climate change mitigation practices that benefit the environment while meeting farmers needs.

Practices being developed increase the amount of carbon that can be stored in soil or reduce the emission of greenhouse gases during agricultural production. The project started in Summer 2022 and will continue until March 2027. LL-BC is a part of the federal Agricultural Climate Solutions – Livings Labs Program.

Agricultural Climate Solutions (ACS)

Agricultural Climate Solutions (ACS) is a multi-stream program that will help to develop and implement farming practices to tackle climate change. Through agricultural practices, such as shelterbelts or cover crops, farmland can store carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

ACS-Living Labs is a $185 million, 10-year program that aims to establish a strong Canada-wide network of regional collaborations led by farmers and including scientists and other sectoral stakeholders. Together, they will develop and share natural solutions and farming practices to ensure farms remain competitive and that our air, water, and soil are sustainable for generations to come.

To be eligible for the ACS program, applicants must form a large network of partnerships within a province, including agricultural non-profits, Indigenous organizations, and environmental groups.



April 2021

ACS is Launched

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) announced the launch of the Agricultural Climate Solutions Program. This program supports the development and implementation of farming practices that mitigate climate change and provide other environmental benefits.

May 2021

Phase 1 Application

In collaboration with our sector stakeholders, the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC (IAF) and the BC Agriculture Council (BCAC) are developed a joint application for Phase 1 of ACS. Read more >

June 2021

Phase 1 Application Submitted

IAF and BCAC submitted application to ACS, including 14 letters of support and an additional 13 notions of endorsement from industry associations. Read more>

August 2021

Phase 1 Application Approved

IAF is awarded a $100,000 grant to support the development of an application to the ACS program.

September 2021

Phase 2 Application

IAF and industry partners work to develop priorities for a province-wide Living Lab. Read more >

March 2022

Phase 2 Application Submitted

IAF submits a Living Lab project to AAFC valued at over $6 million.

July 2022

Phase 2 Application Approved




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