The BC Living Lab Cattle & Forage project hosted a Winter Webinar Series “Extended Grazing Practices: Will They Work for You?” during January and February 2024.
Missed the series? Find all the recordings below!
Webinar 1: BC Living Lab, the Role of Soil Carbon and Soil Health & On-Farm Practices
The first webinar on January 30, 2024, focused on an introduction to some of the ranches involved in the Cattle & Forage project as well as a discussion on managing soil carbon for improved soil health and the considerations when testing new practices on your farm and ranch. We were joined by Dr. Kirsten Hannam, Dr. Shabtai Bittman, Paul Devick, TRU and UNBC researchers.
Webinar 2: Bale Grazing – Is this a Practice that Will Work on Your Ranch?
For the second webinar on February 6, 2024, Bale Grazing expert Darren Brujell, AAFC and Alberta rancher Dough Skeels joined us, who shared his experience with the practice. In addition, we heard from BC ranchers who are planning to test this practice.
Webinar 3: Grazing Standing Corn
The third webinar on February 13, 2024, focused on practical considerations for growing corn for grazing and nutrient management along with short and long-term rotation considerations. We were joined by Dr. Vern Baron, AAFC and BC rancher Steven Devick.
Webinar 4: Annual and Alternative Forage Cover Crop for Grazing
The fourth webinar on February 20, 2024, focused on cover crop benefits and results. We heard from Jillian Bainard, AFFC, BC Ranchers, TRU and UNBC researchers.
Webinar 5: Livestock Nutrition Considerations with Fall-Winter Grazing
For the final webinar on February 27, 2024, we were joined by Dr. Bart Lardner from the University of Saskatchewan, who discussed livestock nutrition management considerations when using a variety of extended grazing practices.
Soil Organic Carbon & Improved Soil Health Presentation | Presented by Dr. Kirsten Hannam, AAFC
Short and Long-Term Nitrogen Research for Living Labs | Presented by Dr. Shabtai Bittman, AAFC
Bale Grazing | Presented by Darren Bruhjell, AAFC
Winter Grazing Corn Sustainably | Presented by Dr. Vern Baron, AAFC
Annual & Alternative Forage Cover Crops for Grazing | Presented by Dr. Jillian Bainard, AAFC
Livestock Nutrition & Winter Grazing Systems | Presented by Dr. Bart Lardner, Usask
Cover Photo: Tanya Brouwers, TRU